WED Judge - Ms. Diane Stendahl
1. (18) Legacyk Pretty Woman On Rodeo Drive. SS08696605. 10-06-2018.
Breeders, Nancibeth Koutstaal. By VJK-Myst Garbonita's California
Journey & Legacyk Breakfast At Tiffany's. Lindsey Nicholas & Nancibeth
2. (128) Legacyk Annie Oakley. SS08696603. 10-06-2018. Breeders,
Nancibeth Koutstaal & Sherri Griswold. By GCHP CH VJK-Myst Garbonita's
California Journey CD & GCHB CH Legacyk Breakfast At Tiffany's.
Nancibeth Koutstaal & Sherri Griswold.
3. (24) VJK-Myst Enduring Freedom. SS08265201. 09-11-2018. Breeders,
Helen Joyce & Y. Hassler-Deterding & V. Nunes-Atkinson. By CH LegacyK
Chelsea's Dreaming In Blue & GCHS VJK-Myst La's New Majorette. Helen
Joyce & Hillary Roy.
4. (30) Depaws Irresistible Ivy Reaching For The Stars. SS08056406.
08-31-2018. Breeders, Paul Brooks & Deborah Brooks. By GCHP2 Crk On The
Double & GCH Depaws Ms Zoey. Paul & Deborah Brooks.
C:14, 28, 96, 116, 142
Best of Breed
SAT Judge - Ms. Brenda Abraham Straight BEST OF BREED: 224 GCHS CH Silverlakes Theres No Business Like Show Business. SR88989603. 07-19...
FRI Judge - Ms. Brenda Abraham Straight 1. 140 Rugerheim's Still's Dakota Darling. SS00157706. 06-21-2017. Breeders, Janet Chan...
FRI Judge - Ms. Brenda Abraham Straight 1. (18) Legacyk Pretty Woman On Rodeo Drive. SS08696605. 10-06-2018. Breeders, Nancibeth Koutst...
FRI Judge - Ms. Brenda Abraham Straight 98 Fieldfine's Rain Dance. SS05318703. 04-08-2018. Breeders, Dorothea Hand & Dot Vooris...