FRI Judge - Ms. Brenda Abraham Straight
1. 140 Rugerheim's Still's Dakota Darling. SS00157706. 06-21-2017.
Breeders, Janet Chandler & Phyllis J. McNall. By GCH CH Franz-Rugerheim
Diamonds Are 4Ever & CH Rugerheim's You Keep Me Hangin' On. Pamela &
Gereth Stillman.
2. 136 Diadem's My Secret Weapon. SR89139706. 07-20-2015. Breeders,
Sandra Maks. By CH Shomberg's Sparks Will Fly & CH Diadem's Good Golly
Miss Molly. Jeaneen Beisner & Sandra Maks. Agent Tracy Duff
3. 138 Blytheshire's Jesse's Girl. SR87551801. 03-27-2015. Breeders, Joy
A. Graham & Patricia Wikstrom & Brittny Graham. By GCH CH Lahrheim's
Talk The Talk & Blytheshires Summer Breeze. Joy A. Graham & Patricia
Wikstrom & Brittny Graham.
4. 142 Depaws Shoot For The Stars. SS08056409. 08-31-2018. Breeders,
Paul Brooks & Deborah Brooks. By GCHP2 Crk On The Double & GCH Depaws Ms
Zoey. Paul & Deborah Brooks. Agent Michelle Wolcott
Best of Breed
SAT Judge - Ms. Brenda Abraham Straight BEST OF BREED: 224 GCHS CH Silverlakes Theres No Business Like Show Business. SR88989603. 07-19...
FRI Judge - Ms. Brenda Abraham Straight 1. 140 Rugerheim's Still's Dakota Darling. SS00157706. 06-21-2017. Breeders, Janet Chan...
FRI Judge - Ms. Brenda Abraham Straight 1. (18) Legacyk Pretty Woman On Rodeo Drive. SS08696605. 10-06-2018. Breeders, Nancibeth Koutst...
FRI Judge - Ms. Brenda Abraham Straight 98 Fieldfine's Rain Dance. SS05318703. 04-08-2018. Breeders, Dorothea Hand & Dot Vooris...